Thursday, September 25, 2008

I'm going to tell you about everything, I think. I dunno...

In art today, it was fun. I got to do something that was fun. Since it's almost Christmas time, we got to do a card thing. First you have to color the whole thing. We have to color the whole thing so that it won't get a hole because if it gets a hole, that's bad, After you color, you have to do this: you have to crumble it up. Do it with your hands, then open it up, and do it again with your hand. When you do it the 2nd time with your hands, put it on the floor and stomp on it with your foot 2 or 3 times. So, whenever you're done coloring, you ahve to paint it. My picture was, it was cool, Santa Clause eating a candy cane. And I painted it. So, then, um.... teacher she's going to take the thingys somewhere else, and I forgot so... that's bad. I don't know where she's taking them.

The one that was Santa is for him. So I was gonna make another one, but I didn't have anymuch time, so the next time we go to art, I'm gonna do it.

Oh yeah...
At recess, it was fun. My friend David, he had a car, well, um, we were vrroom-ing it up and down the slide. One time Alicia was down there so somethin' happened. When I vroomed the car, it was flying and it almost hit her head! The first time it flew over her head, but the 2nd time it almost hit her. So everytime she saw me she got mad a little, and it was funny.. it made me laugh.

Today at lunch, it was fun. Today, um, well.. there was thingys that said your name and one of them um... well, I got some, for lunch I got a chocolate milk and some pizza and a vanilla pudding. Whenever I got out, TJ was sitting up front and now there's name tags on the seat, so that's where you ahve to sit at for the rest of your first grade life. So, if they change you, that's where you have to sit. Somedays they'll change you, somedays not. But today, my name was next to TJ. And he's my best friend. Across from me was Lauren.

And so, today, in Ms. Earley's class... some people had to be at Lonely Lunch. Johan S. and Johan Q... I know why they call him that... Johan Q, his middle name has a Q in it! That's why they call him Johan Q. They call Johan S. that because his-- oh! I meant his last name.

It was fun at school today. Everything was fun.

After school, I came home. And after dinner, I read Green Eggs and Haa--aam. And I loved it. I loved it cause I could read it!! I really, really liked being able to read it. But Mommy helped me a little (Mom says, "a very little").

I like school. All these fun stuffs I do at school... and that's all I have to say! So, goodbye!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Mom, I want to blog on my blog

Today at PE, we got to do jogging day. You just jog around, but if you have to tie your shoes, there's cones for you to go into to tie. But that's why I wear these shoes. Because they don't tie.

When I got into the bus line, first I went to the wrong one. Next, I went to the right one. Then when I was in that one, I was crying. I saw my teacher so I went to her and she let me go with Rowan, Rowan took me over to the bus since I was sad a little. When I got to the bus, I found [The Middle Boy] and we tried to find a seat, but we couldn't. So we sat in the back and then there were some boys that pushed me on top of [The Middle Boy]. We were squished on top of each other. Then the bus driver came back and told us to sit by this girl. And so we went a lot and a lot of places in the bus. In the bus it was fun. Well, I didn't really like it when I got squished. But the rest of the ride I felt happy. Then we went past Brennen's house. Then we were at our house and the driver gave us a blue paper and told us that tomorrow he will give us a bus thingy.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

I liked it today.

Today when we got to class we had to do a sheet. What was it again? And so, we did the paper. One time we got to do something fun! It was a quick thing. We had to write our name, our whole name on the top and then on the bottom you had to do your last name. Then you had to color the top one ONE color and the bottom one a different color. So my top one was blue and my bottom one was read, since those are my colors in order. Blue, red and yellow. Then we had to count the letters in our name and we had to write the number on the back. Then on the board the teacher wrote a thingy and on it, it was called a name thing. But I don't know what it is. So, so, so, so, I raised my hand for the first one because my name had the most letters than the last name. I got to raise my hand because my first name has 7 and the other one has 6. But, but sometimes my name is shorter and that would make it only 4, not 7. But I used the 7 one.

Yesterday we learned about tornadoes.

It is made when there is hot air going up, and sometimes it goes up fast. When it does, the cold air on the bottom goes slow. And at the top it goes fast... and then the fast goes all the way to the bottom and it makes a tornado!!!

Tornadoes are bad. They have this thing so that it tells them how strong the tornado is. If it's F1, it won't do nuthin', you'll be fine. If it's F2 it put your car in the ditch. And then F3, it makes your car FLY AWAY! All the way away! You'll never see it again.

On #F4, it will take your car away and take your roof off. But F5, that's the worst! It will take your car away, your roof and your whole house!!!

But tornadoes are good because they pick up all the trash!

On my picture, I drew a tornado and it was like this-- an upside-down triangle. And I put lines on it so it looks like a tornado. On the bottom it has to say, "If I saw a tornado, I would feel..." and then you had to do it. My friend next to me, his name is Roberto, he wrote "mad." I would be scared! So, when I drew my picture my mouth was like this {showing mouth wide open}, it was like an O because I was scared!

Spencer is the line leader this week. So, next week Casey is. And then, the next week I get to be the line leader. [grinning proudly] This week I'm the paper passer-outer.

One day, it wasn't today, so, we had to since those markers that we used on our bags to switch everything to the other classroom, um well, they had to wash the marker off since it gets on your clothes. So, we had to draw on them again. This time I drew me flying and first I drew something big and then I drew a SuperMe and then a SuperMiddleBrother and he was scared of that big thing, and then I made a snake... cool stuff.

It was fun at school.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

It's the Momma

He's so cute. He takes me by surprise often. Today was one of those days.

The first thing out of his mouth after school was about art class and making a painting for his friend. I kinda thought he'd see his bike and change his mind, but I really should have known better than that, right?

So, out came the paintbrushes. And paints. And construction paper. Water for dipping. Paper towel for drying brushes.

Finally he was ready to begin. He worked so carefully and even spent some of the time instructing his younger brother and I on his technique. So we would know how to do it ourselves, of course. He even made the comment, "Pretend I'm on a tv show, ok?" Is it terribly obvious that I used to watch Bob Ross with them at nap time? It came on after Sesame Street and was the PERFECT transition into napping for them.... doesn't that guy nearly put YOU to sleep? He worked wonders on the boys... until the day The Oldest actually listened.....he's been painting ever since...

Anyway, he was really cute today. Memorable.

Thought I'd share my perspective.

Want to see my picture?

Now let me tell you about it.

I have this friend, and we sat next to each other in art today.

Well, um, he said that I was a great artist.

And I told him I was. And that I was going to paint a picture for him. I said I would paint us sitting under a tree watching fireworks.

I told him I would paint it when I got home today.

So, then I told Mom and she helped me a little. But I'm an artist, so I did it by myself.

I'm going to take it to school tomorrow to give it to my friend.

I know he'll like it.

I even called him to find out his favorite color so I could paint his shirt his favorite color.

And I put glitter paint on it because fireworks sparkle.

I am a good artist.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Today's Good/Bad

The best part about today was.... I dunno

The worst part about today was..... I dunno.

I had a great day. Everything.