Thursday, September 25, 2008

I'm going to tell you about everything, I think. I dunno...

In art today, it was fun. I got to do something that was fun. Since it's almost Christmas time, we got to do a card thing. First you have to color the whole thing. We have to color the whole thing so that it won't get a hole because if it gets a hole, that's bad, After you color, you have to do this: you have to crumble it up. Do it with your hands, then open it up, and do it again with your hand. When you do it the 2nd time with your hands, put it on the floor and stomp on it with your foot 2 or 3 times. So, whenever you're done coloring, you ahve to paint it. My picture was, it was cool, Santa Clause eating a candy cane. And I painted it. So, then, um.... teacher she's going to take the thingys somewhere else, and I forgot so... that's bad. I don't know where she's taking them.

The one that was Santa is for him. So I was gonna make another one, but I didn't have anymuch time, so the next time we go to art, I'm gonna do it.

Oh yeah...
At recess, it was fun. My friend David, he had a car, well, um, we were vrroom-ing it up and down the slide. One time Alicia was down there so somethin' happened. When I vroomed the car, it was flying and it almost hit her head! The first time it flew over her head, but the 2nd time it almost hit her. So everytime she saw me she got mad a little, and it was funny.. it made me laugh.

Today at lunch, it was fun. Today, um, well.. there was thingys that said your name and one of them um... well, I got some, for lunch I got a chocolate milk and some pizza and a vanilla pudding. Whenever I got out, TJ was sitting up front and now there's name tags on the seat, so that's where you ahve to sit at for the rest of your first grade life. So, if they change you, that's where you have to sit. Somedays they'll change you, somedays not. But today, my name was next to TJ. And he's my best friend. Across from me was Lauren.

And so, today, in Ms. Earley's class... some people had to be at Lonely Lunch. Johan S. and Johan Q... I know why they call him that... Johan Q, his middle name has a Q in it! That's why they call him Johan Q. They call Johan S. that because his-- oh! I meant his last name.

It was fun at school today. Everything was fun.

After school, I came home. And after dinner, I read Green Eggs and Haa--aam. And I loved it. I loved it cause I could read it!! I really, really liked being able to read it. But Mommy helped me a little (Mom says, "a very little").

I like school. All these fun stuffs I do at school... and that's all I have to say! So, goodbye!

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