Thursday, September 11, 2008

It's the Momma

He's so cute. He takes me by surprise often. Today was one of those days.

The first thing out of his mouth after school was about art class and making a painting for his friend. I kinda thought he'd see his bike and change his mind, but I really should have known better than that, right?

So, out came the paintbrushes. And paints. And construction paper. Water for dipping. Paper towel for drying brushes.

Finally he was ready to begin. He worked so carefully and even spent some of the time instructing his younger brother and I on his technique. So we would know how to do it ourselves, of course. He even made the comment, "Pretend I'm on a tv show, ok?" Is it terribly obvious that I used to watch Bob Ross with them at nap time? It came on after Sesame Street and was the PERFECT transition into napping for them.... doesn't that guy nearly put YOU to sleep? He worked wonders on the boys... until the day The Oldest actually listened.....he's been painting ever since...

Anyway, he was really cute today. Memorable.

Thought I'd share my perspective.

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